At Clemente, we put study participants first, because you’re at the heart of everything we do.


We understand that our participants are here by choice. Participants have chosen our trials and volunteered their time. So, it’s our job to make it a great decision.

Participants First

From the moment a participant enters Clemente, they are greeted by a team of experienced and compassionate healthcare professionals dedicated to providing the highest level of care and support.

Our team of caring and supportive experts listen to participant needs and concerns. Great communication is top priority to ensure participants are informed, engaged, and comfortable throughout the process.

We strive to always create a welcoming and supportive environment. We understand participating in a clinical trial can be stressful. It’s a big decision and can be intimidating. Clemente is designed to provide best-in-class safety, accessibility, and comfort. We’re always here to answer any questions or concerns. Plus, we provide all the needed resources to fully understand the trial and make informed decisions.

Clemente works closely with healthcare providers to ensure any potential risks or side effects are carefully monitored or managed. Our communication is open and transparent to ensure participants and healthcare providers have access to ongoing support and care throughout the trial as well as once the trial is completed.

Our Commitment

We’re committed to making a positive difference in the lives of our participants and in the future of healthcare.

The Journey

  • Before a participant can be enrolled in a clinical trial, they undergo a pre-screening process to determine if they meet the study's eligibility criteria. This can involve a phone or in-person interview, a review of medical history, and physical exams.

  • If a participant meets the eligibility criteria, they will be asked to provide informed consent. This process involves reviewing and signing a document that explains the purpose of the study, the procedures involved, the potential risks and benefits, and the participant's rights.

  • After providing informed consent, participants will undergo a series of screening and baseline evaluations, which may include lab work, imaging tests, and physical exams.

  • Depending on the study design, participants may receive a study drug or intervention, or they may be assigned to a control group that receives a placebo or standard treatment.

  • Throughout the study, participants will be asked to return to the clinical trials site for follow-up visits, which may involve additional lab work, physical exams, and other tests to assess their health and the study's progress.

  • When the study is complete, participants will undergo a final evaluation to assess their health and the results of the study. They will be informed of the study's findings and may have the option to continue receiving the study drug or intervention.


We understand participating in a clinical trial can be a big decision, and we are here to answer any questions or concerns you have along the way.

  • Clinical trials are research studies that test new medical treatments, interventions, or procedures. We work with you to find ways in advancing medical knowledge and improving patient care. It's like being a pioneer in medicine!

  • Participating in a clinical trial gives you access to potentially cutting-edge treatments not yet available to the public. By contributing to medical research, you can play a significant role in helping to find better treatments and cures for various health conditions. You will make a real difference in your own life, the lives of those in your community and in the world of healthcare.

  • Clinical trials typically have four phases: Phase I focuses on safety and dosage, Phase II examines efficacy and side effects, Phase III compares the new treatment to existing ones, and Phase IV evaluates long-term effects after approval. At our center, we typically focus on Phase III and Phase IV clinical trials. Reach out to us if you have a question on which phase the study you are participating in is currently in.

  • A study protocol is a detailed guide that spells out everything about the study, from its goals and how it'll be done, to who can take part. It ensures everyone's on the same page objectives, design, methodology, and guidelines for conducting a clinical trial. It ensures the trial is conducted ethically and with scientific integrity. We will walk you through each step of the trial so that it is crystal clear on what to expect.

  • Eligibility criteria are specific requirements that participants must meet to be eligible to join a particular clinical trial. Our staff will sit down with you and review the eligibility criteria for the studies that you are interested in; This can involve a phone or in-person interview, a review of medical history, and physical exams. As always, your health is our top priority and we will work together to find you the best studies for you to participate in.

  • Oh, the placebo effect is a quirky and fascinating thing! Sometimes, our minds can play tricks on us. In clinical trials, it means some lucky participants might experience improvements, even if they receive a harmless "sugar pill" instead of the real treatment. Our brains are amazing!

  • Yes, there are risks associated with participating in clinical trials. It's essential to know that you might experience side effects, or the treatment might not work for you. Rest assured, our team is always there to keep a watchful eye on you and ensure your safety.

  • Yes, if at any point during the trial you feel like it's not for you, you have the right to withdraw from a clinical trial at any time without penalty or loss of benefits. We are always a phone call away if you have any questions. We are committed to making you feel comfortable and informed during the full process.

  • At our center, we value your time and commitment to helping advance healthcare and we will not ask you to pay to participate in clinical trials.

  • Participants may receive compensation for their time and travel expenses. Your time and effort are valuable, and researchers appreciate that. The amount of compensation varies depending on the study and its requirements.

  • No, you do not need insurance to participate in our clinical trials. Don’t worry if you don’t have insurance. You can still join the trial, and the study-related medical expenses will be covered.

  • Benefits of participating in a clinical trial include access to innovative treatments, close monitoring by top-notch medical experts, potential improvement in your condition, and the opportunity to contribute to medical advancements.

  • The length of a clinical trial varies depending on its phase and the specific research question being addressed. Some trials can last a few months, while others may span several years. We will make sure to let you know exactly how long you can expect to participate in the study. Sometimes, you can even participate in multiple studies at once if you would like.

  • After a clinical trial concludes, the study treatment may or may not be available for continued use. It depends on whether the treatment has been approved by regulatory authorities and is commercially available. The research team will guide you on your next steps at the end of the trial.

To learn more and to see if you pre-qualify for a study, please contact us by filling out the form below.

Join a Study

Clemente puts our study participants first. We serve the underserved. If you are interested in joining a study or learning more, please reach out.